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Waukesha County Environmental Action League
Protecting Waukesha County's Natural Resources since 1978
WEAL Issues Press Release - Opposes Nagawicka Lake Proposed Pier
City of Delafield’s Individual Permit Application for a Pier with multiple moorings on Nagawicki Lake within an Area of Special Natural Resource Interest
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources held a Public Informational Hearing on March 27, 2023 to provide an opportunity for the public to learn about the City of Delafield’s permit application to place a “transient” pier with multiple moorings for watercraft in St. Johns Bay, an Area of Special Natural Resource Interest, (ASNRI) on Nagawicki Lake. The Public Notice is attached.
Only two mapped and designated Areas of Special Natural Resource Interest, (ASNRI) are present on Nagawicki Lake. These special habitat areas provide food, shelter and breeding areas for fish and other aquatic life. Encroachment into these areas with pier structures, boat traffic, plant harvesters and other equipment can degrade these special areas and result in the loss of valuable fish and wildlife habitat. The two ASNRIs on Nagawicki Lake are delineated in orange on the attached Pier Proposal document.
On 3/15/2023 the Wisconsin DNR and the U.S. EPA held a Community Advisory Group (CAG) Information Meeting to explain the process of forming a CAG for the Boundary Road Landfill (BRL) Superfund Site.
Meeting Video --- Watch the recording of the meeting [1:07:27]
Presentation by Adrian Palomeque, Community Involvement Coordinator, U.S. EPA Region 5 --- Presentation [PDF]
If you are interested in CAG membership for the BRL Superfund Site, contact Penney Waggoner of the Falls React II Group at
The purpose of a Community Advisory Group (CAG) is to provide a public forum for community members and other stakeholders to present and discuss issues and concerns regarding a Superfund Site. read more...
On 12/15/2022 the DNR issued a Conditional Plan of Operation Approval for the Orchard Ridge Landfill Eastern Expansion,
Southern Unit (Boundary Road Superfund Site plan). Waste Management began the first phase of the BRL exhumation on 12/16/2022.
WEAL continues to support the formation of a Community Advisory Group (CAG) for the Boundary Road Superfund Site . The DNR is presently in the process of scheduling an informational meeting on how a CAG functions. WEAL has asked the DNR to provide Zoom access for the meeting. When a date is scheduled the information will be posted on the WEAL website and Facebook page.
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Do you know about PFAS?
Wisconsin Lawmakers looking to address PFAS pollution February 1, 2023
From the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
PFAS_Chemicals-StaffMemorandum.PDF (

WEAL supports the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change report
Read or download the full report pdf: (10 MB)
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