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Plastics in the Great Lakes Region was the PowerPoint presentation for WEAL at its annual meeting on November 19, at 7 pm at the New Berlin Public Library.  Guest speaker Liz Sutton from the Milwaukee School of Fresh Water Sciences (SFWS) overviewed the work that SFWS tackles at its campus which is located at the confluence of three rivers.                   


While studying the scale of the impacts of plastics on marine life, water quality, and human life, SFWS tests the broader implications of plastic pollution including the impacts of microplastics and nano plastics.


SFWS at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is the largest water-focused academic research institute on the Great Lakes and the only North American school of higher education solely dedicated to freshwater issues.  Liz is the Outreach Program Manager for SFWS at UW-Milwaukee.

September 8, 2024 WEAL Hosted a Booth at the New Berlin Historic Day.


Displayed were many items to help the public learn more about reducing plastic consumption.

April 24, 2024  WEAL Hosts Plastics-Free Event

At an April 24, 2024 event at the New Berlin Public Library, WEAL hosted Dr. Marissa Jablonski, executive Director of UW-Milwaukee Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin. Early in her presentation, she shared the five-point strategy she used at a hotel in Phuket, Thailand to eliminate single-use plastics Dr. Jablonski was asked by the US Embassy of Thailand and the Phuket Hotels Association to serve as Embassy Science Fellow to design and lead the 5-point model to help reduce their single-use plastics by more than 6 million pounds.

Jablonski began the session by asking attendees to imagine the future they want to create in ten years by
eliminating plastics. The follow-up to that vision was to create the challenge of asking what attendees were
willing to give up, how to implement the plan, work to engage government policies and extending the plan
to work with children.


Jablonski sits behind two tables filled with plastic-free items for shopping, for use in the kitchen, bathroom and household cleaning as well as a to-go kit. She herself models and uses the items recommended: glass, silicone, stainless steel deli containers for use at deli counters; produce bags and cloth grocery bags to replace plastic. Beeswax wraps in the kitchen, silicone bowl covers, Mason jars for leftovers, natural sponges, plant-based loofahs and cloth towels for cleaning. Shampoo bars , bar soap, conditioner bar, etc. in the bathroom.

March 2, 2024 Reading Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac at Calhoun Creek Prairie Preserve

November 2022 Melissa Scanlan presentation at New Berlin Public Library
2022  WEAL at the New Berlin Farmers' Market
2019 Sustainability Fair
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